Saturday, March 31, 2012

Just Looking!?!

Think M.C. Hammer, You Can't Touch This.
Just looking!?! followed by the Heismann is very similar to "Not tonight, I have a headache."  In case you are unaware, the Heismann is a stiff arm extended to keep anyone from getting close. 

While not everyone has been involved in a career of sales, it seems that more and more of us at some time have had to try our hand at it in one fashion or another.  Consider trying to get your 2 year old to take a nap on a beautiful sunny afternoon while everyone else is outside enjoying themselves.  Or explaning to your significant other why you need the 80 inch, 3D, flatscreen TV when your living room is only 10 feet by 10 feet. Or possibly trying to explain why the "necessary" visit to the stylist turns out to be a $500 charge on the credit card bill.  Whatever the scenario, I think you get the idea, at one time or another we all have been involved in sales. 

I happen to be starting over in autosales after a 15 year hiatus.  Not that I ever left the auto industry, or sales, because I have two wonderful children and a wife that I am not even close to deserving. During my time away from direct sales, I spent a considerable amount of time in the finance office working with people after the sales process was complete; those entries will have to come later.  And I spent time trying to sell to dealerships, some of my previous employers, which will also have to wait until later.  It seems that nothing and everything has changed all at once. 

Just looking!?!  Two words that seem to take on a life of their own depending on which side of them you happen to be standing.  Some people truly are just spending some time browsing while they wait for a car in service, a friend buying something, a spouse doing some errands...whatever the reason.  I will call these people the true "Lookers".  Other people wield Just Looking like a sword.  "Good afternoon.  Welcome to my place of business, my name is-"  "'JUST LOOKING!?!  When I need some help I will come and find you.'"  I will call these people "Agressive Lookers".  Others call them something else, but I try not to pass judgement until I know someone better.  For some people Just Looking!?! is such a conditioned response; it magically appears without even a thought.  Kind of like when someone asks, "How are you?" and you respond "Good and you?" even though you may be having the worst day of you life.  Let's call those the "Conditioned Lookers".  There are others.  The "Repetitive Lookers" which like the term so much they seem to punctuate sentences with Just Looking!?!  The "Tag on Lookers" that may be "Conditioned Lookers" in disguise as they always seem to be looking for someone else, "I'm Just Looking!?! for a car for my son, daughter, mom, dad, etc. These might also be "Hidden Lookers" as they help with the purchase of a vehicle for someone else while the whole time thinking about the next vehicle they will be buying and taking copious notes on how the deal unfolds. 

I could go on with this list, but I think for today I will end here.  For my first ever blog entry, it was easier than I thought.  Not that any of this is any good or that anyone will ever read it or follow it.  If you happen to be one of those that do read and or follow, please give me some feedback.  I would love to hear from salespeople and from purchasers alike.  As I begin my sales journey again, I like to think that this time I will work a little smarter than harder. This time I would like to make more friends than customers. And of course this time I would like more successes than failures. 
When thinking of buying a car, it makes cents to visit