Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Career Looker

The Career Looker is not as much fun as the other lookers.  Usually they are characterized by their familiarity with the dealership and staff.  Often times making several visits over short periods of time and generally working with a different salesperson each time. 

What you think you have...
The Career Looker is recognizeable to each and every salesperson.   And as I commented before, this is because he has worked with each of them or because each salesperson has shared their stories with the other salespeople.  In general the Career Looker never buys anything just tries out a few different models, gathers numbers, and seems no matter what is done never completes the transactions.  The causes can be many, no friends or family to hang out with, fear of actually making a deal and losing his only hobby, or maybe not having the environment to develop his meager social skills.  I sometimes think of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, although the difference is she never actually gets in the car with Richard Gere.  She is only there to waste time and lead people on.  I guess a more accurate depiction would be Runaway Bride. 
...what you actually get.

Just Looking?!?...
The Career Looker can also be characterized as somewhat of a know it all.  Not the loveable Mr. Wizard type but more like the annoying, no personality Ben Stein.  And no, you will not win his money.  With their multiple visits they know what is in inventory, where it was, and where it currently is.  They also know all of the staff, the hours, and practices of the store.  If there is a salesprocess in place, they seem to beat you to the next step all the while making it seem like they are going to buy.  Just leading the salesperson through the Monopoly board but never actually passing GO! and certainly not allowing anyone to collect $200. 

In closing, keep a close eye out for the Career Looker.  If you are a salesperson, have nothing to do, but feel like this could be your lucky day to win the lottery, go ahead and buy the ticket.  Spend some time with the Career Looker.  Even if he or she doesn't buy you will learn some valuable skills.  If you are not feeling lucky, keep Just Looking?!?

Congratulations! You rolled 12!  Roll again!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Free(loading) Looker

With the summer grilling season upon us, we will review the warm weather, Free(loading) Looker.  Traditionally this Looker is only around in the warm months, the smell of the grill must let them know it is time to come out of hibernation.  Some wake a little earlier, during a big event with a give away attached or when there is a good prize with no purchase necessary.  In either case, they normally have no intention of buying anything or of talking to anyone more than necessary.  "Where's the soda?", is the only thing I heard the last one say. 

Quick, get out of the pouch!!  I smell a grill!!

Aside from the non speaking, especially when addressed directly, the Free(loading) Looker can be characterized by the large amounts of free food they can carry in one trip.  I have actually seen one with three hotdogs in each hand, a burger tucked under his chins, two sodas in each front pocket, and a ketchup bottle in his back pocket.  I wonder if someday these lookers will evolve into marsupials so they will have more room to carry free "gifts".

Turn off the cloaking device!  They
have hot dogs and burgers!
Set phazers to slightly char!  Get
ready to eat!
Another characteristic of the Free(loading) Looker is the way they are able to hide in plain sight.  Take for instance parking.  They typically park in an area that is easily accessible, both to the free "gifts" and for an easy get away.  This always seems to be out in the open, but they have a way about getting to the spot.  It's almost like they have a Klingon cloaking device, making their vehicles invisible until just before they attack, the "gifts" that is. 

"Thanks, but Just Looking!?!"
The final characteristic, and I think the most amazing, is their ability to know when "gifts" are available and when they are gone.  Rarely have I experienced a Free(loading) Looker that was at a place of business before the "gifts", and this typically had to do with free food, were ready.  And even more scarce were their sightings after the food was gone.  Bigfoot has been seen with more regularity.

In closing, if you happen to be at an event that is giving away free "gifts/food", keep a sharp eye out for the Free(loading) Looker.  They have been seen, but I don't think they have ever been photographed or recorded.  I will do my best to post one on here, feel free to help.  Until we have a clear picture of what they look like, I will have to keep "Just Looking!?!"

Monday, June 11, 2012

Stealth Looker

I am pretty sure I just witnessed the ever elusive Stealth Looker.  These can sometimes be characterized as the customer that just nonchalantly asks questions while a friend is buying.  Other times they are very open and honest about just needing some information so they can begin the purchase process.  This was one of the best I have seen, he jumped out of the car, looked at a vehicle, and jumped back in and sped off.  It almost felt like a bank robbery, although as far as I can tell, nothing has been stolen.  Let's examine more closely.

If I could get another $500 for my trade...
Set the stage.  Wild, open savanah.  No cover for as far as the eye can see.  The pair of antelope, I mean customers, slowly walking, or driving, along looking for the perfect, who knows because they never did stop to talk.  They stop cautiously and sniff the wind, head turning from side to side listening and looking for predators, I mean salespeople.  It seems they have found something of interest.  One breaks away from the other, leaving his escape route, car door, open.  He saunters over to something of interest, is it a water hole, the perfect patch of grass, a new vehicle?

I sure hope they are not Just Looking!?!
One of the predators, I mean salespeople again sorry I keep doing that, leaves the comfort and shade of his hiding position.  He moves quickly as on the open savanah, parking lot, there is no cover for him to sneak up on his prey, sorry, customer.  All he can hope is that the prey's, darn, customer's, attention stays focused long enough for him to get within striking, greeting I mean, distance.  Closer, closer, he is almost their. 

Uh oh, something has spooked the prey, customer.  He catches wind or maybe sight of the closing predator, darn, salesperson.  Did the predator not move quickly enough?  Stealthily enough?  Did he pounce, greet, to quickly?  Was it the stark contrast of his appearance making him too noticeable?  Whatever tipped the prey, customer, he sprints to the escape route, the open car door and speeds away with his partner. 

Wait, here's my card!!!

While the predator, salesperson, gives chase thinking he can close the gap and corner the prey, customer, because he knows his home territory and believes the prey, customer, is trapped, the speed and agility of the prey is too great.  Together they plot a route out ansod away from the predator, salesperson, and don't even look as the predator, salesperson watches them make their get away. 

While some of this may seem a little unfair, and I mean the depiction of the salesperson, there are definitely customers that feel this way on each and every interaction.  And being one of the predators, salespeople sorry that is a little difficult to get out of my thinking, it is difficult on our side as well.  We really don't lie in wait ready to pounce on the next unsuspecting victim.  If you are prey, or sometimes feel that way, try taking an active approach to meeting with the salesperson.  Come to the front door and surprise them with something out of the ordinary, actually let them know what you are Just Looking!?! for.  You might be surprised in how easy the entire buying process can be. 

... and I would like to pick it up on Thursday.  Thanks for
such a great experience.  You guys really are here to help.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Phone Looker

Today we explore the Phone looker.  This is possibly the strangest Looker I have ever encountered.  I understand some of the others, but let's examine this one a little more closely. 

"... salespeople who only want..."
The Traditional Looker comes to your place of business expecting to be "harrassed" and "pestered" until they are forced into conversation or leaving.  I disagree with both of these beliefs, but was recently told by a customer, that as salespeople, "That is what you are trained to do, and I wish we could just take a minute to look around without being constantly bothered by..." .  This one is definitely a Disgruntled Looker.  And yes, my ears are still ringing.  Was the commission worth it?  I think so. 

I try to paint Mrs. Bradley in a good light
as I don't want any extra "assignments".
The Phone Looker is very unique in that they have the option of actually ending the conversation at any point by simply hanging up.  However, this rarely happens.  I sometimes feel like I am taking Mrs. Bradley's fourth grade oral quizes all over again.  "How many low mileage SUV's do you have?  What colors are available?  Can I get a purple one?  How many miles are on the red one?  What kind of mileage is on the black one?  Where did they come from?  How often do you get new ones in?  Will you take a lawn tractor in on trade?  (Yes this was an actual question)  What about small cars?  Do you know what my tractor is worth?  (Yup, the tractor again)  Are the tires new on the...".  Now for those of you who didn't go to fourth grade with me, Mrs. Bradley thought I could write really, really fast and neat.  I tried to explain to her that she got one or the other, but rarely did fast and neat visit my penmanship in the same assignment.  She was awful nice and tried to help with extra "assignments" on more than one ocassion.  No help. 

Die question! Die!
Seems to be what my Phone Looker was doing was trying to help me keep my middle aged, filled with too much worthless information, brain processing to keep in peak condition .  I answered questions as quickly as I could, trying to fit a few in myself.  Like Mrs. Bradley and my extra "assignments", the questions kept coming and coming.  Eventually, with the fortitude and conviction of a thousand Spartans, I defeated each and everyone of them.  I regained the high ground and finally, finally set an appointment to meet with the Phone Looker to drive what seemed to be the perfect car.  After driving the perfect one we ended up going a different direction.  Go figure!

At some point in time I hope to understand all of the Lookers, but it seems that each day I run across a new one.  They never cease to amaze with the direction they come from and the tactics they take to keep me guessing.  Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to tell them, "Just Looking?!?" and see how they react when the tables are turned.